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Precis Future Med > Volume 1(3); 2017 > Article |
Agents | Proposed mechanisms | Results of clinical studies |
NXY-059 | Free radical-trapping properties | Administration of NXY-059 within 6 hours after stroke onset improved the outcome (SAINT) [16], but failed to show the efficacy in a second, larger trial (SAINT II) [17]. |
Magnesium | Antagonist of calcium channel noncompetitive NMDA receptors and inhibit excitatory neurotransmitter | Prehospital initiation of magnesium sulfate therapy was safe, but did not improve disability outcome suggesting that a single neuroprotective agent may not interdict enough ischemic cascade pathway (FAST-MAG trial) [31]. |
Albumin | Hemodilution, antioxidant effects, metabolic benefits, collateral enhancing effects | High dose albumin therapy with/with IVT was not associated with improved outcome, and was associated increased rate of intracerebral bleeding and pulmonary edema (ALIAS trial) [39]. |
Minocycline | Anti-inflammatory and matrix metalloprotease inhibition effects | Early terminated because interim analysis showed futility (NeuMAST trial [NCT00930020]) |
Citicoline | Phosphatidylcholine precursor, and inhibition of free fatty acid release and free radical generation | Citicoline was not efficacious in treatment of moderate- to-severe acute ischemic stroke (ICTUS trial) [44]. |
Natalizumab | Antibodies against CD49d (leukocyte adhesion molecule α4 integrin) which inhibit the migration of leukocytes into the brain | Natalizumab administration up to 9 hours after stroke onset did not reduce infarct growth [24]. |
Edaravone | Free-radical scavenger | Edaravone combined with IVT were safe and may improve outcome (PROTECT4.5 trial) [36]. |
Uric acid | Antioxidant effects against singlet oxygen and free radicals | The addition of uric acid to thrombolytic therapy was safe but did not improve outcome (URICO-ICTUS trial) [37], but may be beneficial in a certain subgroup of stroke patients [45,46]. |
Glyceryl trinitrate | Nitric oxide donor, cerebral vasodilator, and lower blood pressure | Transdermal application of glyceryl trinitrate lowered blood pressure and was safe but did not improve outcome (ENOS trial) [33]. |
The RIGHT-2 trial is ongoing to test the safety and efficacy of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in the prehospital setting. | ||
NA-1 | Postsynaptic density-95 protein inhibition to block NMDA-mediated excitotoxic signaling | Pre-interventional treatment of NA-1 prevented iatrogenic stroke (ENACT trial) [34]. |
The ESPACE-NA-1 (NCT02930018) and FRONTIER (NCT02315443) trials are ongoing. | ||
Therapeutic hypothermia | Reduce oxygen demand, disruption of the blood-brain barrier, free radical formation, excitotoxicity, and inflammation | Intravascular cooling (ICTuS2 trial) [38] or surface cooling [47] in IVT-treated patients was safe despite the adverse events (e.g., pneumonia), but did not improve outcome. |
A multicenter phase III RCT (EuroHYP-1, NCT01833312) is ongoing to evaluate the effect of surface/endovascular cooling after IVT or EVT. | ||
Remote ischemic conditioning | Humoral, neural, and systemic response pathway that induce ischemic tolerance and neurorestoration, and inhibit excitotoxicity | Remote ischemic postconditioning within 24 hours after stroke onset was safe and feasible, and may improve outcome (RECAST) [32]. |
Remote ischemic preconditioning was safe in patients undergoing carotid artery stenting, which may decrease iatrogenic ischemic brain injury [48]. | ||
Transcranial laser therapy | Near-infrared laser energy may modulate biochemical changes within neural cells and prevent apoptosis. | Early terminated because interim analysis showed futility (the NEST3 trial) [49]. |
SAINT, Stroke-Acute Ischemic NXY Treatment; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; FAST-MAG, Field Administration of Stroke Therapy-Magnesium; IVT, intravenous thrombolysis; ALIAS, Albumin in Acute Ischemic Stroke; NeuMAST, Neuroprotection With Minocycline Therapy for Acute Stroke Recovery Trial; ICTUS, International Citicoline Trial on acUte Stroke; PROTECT4.5, Postmarketing Registry On Treatment with Edaravone in acute Cerebral infarction by the Time window of 4.5 hours; URICO-ICTUS, Efficacy Study of Combined Treatment With Uric Acid and rtPA in Acute Ischemic Stroke; ENOS, Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke; RIGHT-2, Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2; ENACT, Evaluating Neuroprotection in Aneurysm Coiling Therapy; ESPACE-NA-1, Safety and Efficacy of NA-1 in Subjects Undergoing Endovascular Thrombectomy for Stroke; FRONTIER, Field Randomization of NA-1 Therapy in Early Responders; ICTuS2, Intravascular Cooling in the Treatment of Stroke 2; RCT, randomized control trial; EuroHYP-1, Cooling Plus Best Medical Treatment Versus Best Medical Treatment Alone for Acute Ischaemic Stroke; EVT, endovascular therapy; RECAST, remote ischemic conditioning after stroke trial; NEST3, NeuroThera® Efficacy and Safety Trial 3.